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<p>Fusce auctor in justo nec porta. Aliquam vitae molestie libero. In scelerisque dolor ac est lacinia, at consectetur neque vulputate. Curabitur ornare lorem vitae euismod vestibulum. Sed non arcu nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas tristique, dui egestas mattis pulvinar, tortor ligula mollis libero, ac ullamcorper erat nibh in augue. Curabitur nunc diam, pretium at porta et, volutpat sit amet ligula. Proin urna lorem, luctus sit amet metus quis, tempus rutrum augue. Phasellus ut nunc dolor.</p>
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<tr><th align=left>Monday, February 12, 2001</th></tr>
<a name="2346581"></a>
I've come out the other side. Amazingly enough, I only had to reinstall two applications: my virus scanner and web browser. All my email survived. And, my first impressions are great. I like Windows 2000. I am using Stardock's wonderful <a href="">Object Desktop</a>, so my GUI doesn't even look like Windows to begin with, and changing to W2000 didn't affect me there at all. If you picked up my laptop right now, you would think I was using Apple's OS X.
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Today I migrate my laptop from Windows 98 to Windows 2000 Professional. I'm scared.
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<tr><th align=left>Friday, February 09, 2001</th></tr>
<a name="2308643"></a>
A <a href="">mushroom company in North Carolina</a> is claiming to have successfully inoculated trees with black truffles. No one has ever been able to do this before. Black truffles can net you about $70,000 per acre, but they've never been able to be successfully farmed. They just happen, in a small area of France and Italy, if you're lucky. If true, this could eventually make truffles available for the masses!
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<a name="2308600"></a>
My parents (and youngest sister) drove into town this morning, staying for one day only. They'll have spent more time on the road driving here and back from outside St. Louis, Missouri, than they'll spend here visiting, but I'm glad they came. They'll see the play tonight and head off after lunch tomorrow.
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<b><a href="">11:43 AM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2308600)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2308600, "]")</SCRIPT> 32308600
<tr><th align=left>Thursday, February 08, 2001</th></tr>
<a name="2295073"></a>
<a href=" Recluse">The Much-to-be-feared Brown Recluse Spider</a>, from the back issues of <a href="">Countryside Magazine</a>. I know all about this. I've got the scar on my big toe to show for it. Only for me, there was no surgery, no charcoal compresses. Just an attention to cleanliness and my own natural healing. It's this spider bite that gave me my superpowers. Some of them, anyway.
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<tr><th align=left>Wednesday, February 07, 2001</th></tr>
<a name="2280344"></a>
"<i>My thoughts first turn to Spring mushrooming when the cottonwoods start to leaf out and release their delightful Spring scents. Along the riverbanks and in other moist areas I begin my hunt for the elusive and well-camouflaged early morels.</i>" <a href="">Morels, Truffles and other Spring Mushrooms</a>: an annotated slide show.
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<a name="2279581"></a>
Also in <a href="">the current Flagpole</a>, of particular interest to <a href="">Randy</a>:<blockquote><i>In related news, <b>The Minus 5</b> is preparing to embark on a brief tour of the United States in support of a split release with the <b>Young Fresh Fellows</b> entitled </i>Let The War Against Music Begin... Because We Hate You<i>, due out this spring on Mammoth Records. The Minus 5 is fronted by guitarist-keyboardist-songwriter <b>Scott McCaughey</b> who led Seattle�s Young Fresh Fellows to greatness in the �80s and �90s and currently performs live with R.E.M. The group - comprised of McCaughey, R.E.M.'s <b>Peter Buck</b>, The Posies' <b>Ken Stringfellow</b>, <b>John Bamberg</b> and <b>Bill Rieflin</b> - is scheduled to appear on "Late Night With Conan O'Brien" on March 13.</blockquote>
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<a name="2279387"></a>
The Flagpole <a href="">writes up <i>Baby With the Bathwater</i></a>.
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<b><a href="">9:39 AM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2279387)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2279387, "]")</SCRIPT> 72279387
<tr><th align=left>Tuesday, February 06, 2001</th></tr>
<a name="2268887"></a>
Spring is in the air, and tax refunds are in the mailbox. So far, I've cleaned out my Amazon shopping cart, ordered a mess of <a href="">cheesemaking supplies</a>, and got five gallons of wine bubbling. A few outstanding debts will be paid, a garden will be planted, and there should be enough left over for something nice.
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<a name="2268610"></a>
<a href="">A new species of camel</a> has been discovered in the deserts north of Tibet. I suppose this will give more ammunition to the Yeti-searchers. ("<i>If a large camel could go undiscovered for so long, it's not far-fetched that an intelligent hominid could go uncaptured for so long in roughly the same area, now isn't it?</i>")
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<a name="2268192"></a>
<a href="">Chickens - The Play</a>. I've only read the first few pages, and it's odd. Very odd.
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<b><a href="">1:07 PM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2268192)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2268192, "]")</SCRIPT> 102268192
<a name="2267535"></a>
Sometimes you need to know the latin for a piece of dinnerware, and at times like that, the <a href="">Roman Dinnerware Word List</a> is invaluable. But <a href="">why stop with dinnerware</a>?
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<b><a href="">12:08 PM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2267535)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2267535, "]")</SCRIPT> 112267535
<a name="2267513"></a>
<a href="">Today marks a year</a> that I've lived in my country home. (Well, my landlord's county home, anyway.) I knew going into this that my life would change living there, but I never could have guessed just how much better things would be. My play ends this weekend, and then I'll put in this year's garden. It'll be twice the size of last year's, which is pretty crazy (according to some people). The chickens will come soon. I've asked the owners if I can get a dairy cow (or maybe a couple of goats), but chances are slim of them allowing that. And, of course, I have overalls. And then, <a href="">there's Chris</a>.
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<b><a href="">12:06 PM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2267513)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2267513, "]")</SCRIPT> 122267513
<tr><th align=left>Monday, February 05, 2001</th></tr>
<a name="2252829"></a>
I'm now officially a farmer. Long-time readers will know that I've dabbled over the last year, but it's official now. This weekend, I bought a pair of overalls. At the feed store.
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<b><a href="">10:44 AM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2252829)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2252829, "]")</SCRIPT> 132252829
<a name="2252802"></a>
The response to my play has been overwhelmingly positive. I actually had no idea up until the first audience watched it how it would go over. I'm very, very pleased. For those of you far away and not able to come watch, here's my director's notes:<br>
�[This Durang play] is so filled with non sequiturs that you have to do each thing with total conviction � if you try to look for a stream of consciousness like you would with any other playwright, it would just get in the way.� Thus spoke Dana Ivey, who first played the Nanny at the American Repertory Theatre. This is true for the actors; it is true for me as director; it is also true for you as audience member. Baby With the Bathwater is a challenging play for everyone involved. It�s not often you see such a play presented in Community Theater � these kinds of things are usually reserved for universities and edgy professional theaters � but I think it�s very good to do this type of show from time to time.<br>
You are probably reading this before you�ve actually seen the show, wondering what I�m going on about. Christopher Durang is well known for taking an aspect of society and making us think about it by presenting extreme examples of how things could really be. His hit <i>Sister Mary Ignatious Explains It All For You</i> took on organized religion. This play takes on a topic that�s been brought to the forefront by politics recently: the family. And in true Durang style, we�ve been given a family that�s easy to laugh at because it�s gone so terribly, terribly wrong while simultaneously offending us for the very same reason. You point and laugh, and feel guilty for doing so. Even worse, you�re likely to spot yourself in some of what gets presented.<br>
Durang hasn�t held back. Everything about family life is fair game. Some scenes you may agree with, while others may hit too close to home or make you angry. That�s good! That�s the power of theater. People used to riot, overthrow governments, and hold debates after watching theater. While I�m not advocating violent revolution, I am sad that the overwhelming majority of what we see today is weak �feel good� stories and mindless entertainment. And of course I don�t just mean live theater, but also movies and television. It�s good to see something provocative from time to time. It reaffirms what we are doing right as a society and point out areas where we could do better. Don�t be afraid, though � I think this is a mighty funny script. I hope you laugh a lot. It�ll only sting a little.<br>
This is a small cast (especially by Town & Gown standards), but it took many more people than you see to make this show happen. I�ve tried to list them all in the credits (If you helped and I forgot to mention you, I�m sorry. Thank you so much for your help.), but a few people I need to thank more. I designed the set, but Ben Teague was able to take my ideas and build them. His ability to take scribblings on the back of a napkin and make something that works the first time continues to amaze me. Beth Kozinsky is my first-ever assistant director, and now I wonder how I ever went without. Bill Akin made business cards for everyone, helping with the publicity effort and making the cast feel like professionals. Steve Wildey and Amy Crow continue to be the best. Chris Johnson is beyond words. And the Cast. I asked them to attend two set calls, and they came nearly to all of them. I gave them a schedule made tight by the holidays, and they came out enough ahead that the final week was anything but stressful. They took my concepts and ideas and created characters that are (I�m certain) exactly as Durang intended. Thank you, everyone.
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<b><a href="">10:42 AM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2252802)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2252802, "]")</SCRIPT> 142252802
<tr><th align=left>Friday, February 02, 2001</th></tr>
<a name="2218958"></a>
The independant university newspaper <a href="">has a write-up on my play opening tonight</a>. The Red & Black is rather embarassing for a newspaper, but at least they got all the facts right.
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<b><a href="">1:27 PM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2218958)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2218958, "]")</SCRIPT> 152218958
<a name="2218245"></a>
To many it's just another dot-com going under, five or six layoffs lost among the thousands more going on around them. It's dear to me, though. <a href="">Pyra Labs</a>, creaters of the <a href="">Blogger software</a> I use to maintain this weblog, is down to a company of one. Out of money and unable to continue as it had, co-founder and CEO <a">Evan Williams</a> is the only one left.<br>
Blogger is just one of the several tools available to easily create and maintain a website such as this one, but it was my tool of choice. They've got about about 100,000 weblogs using their software -- this one was number fourteen. Pyra created exactly what I needed, exactly when I needed it. There's been some rough going as they tried to keep pace with demand, and it was clear from the beginning that eventually they'd run out of money, but they had what I thought to be the best thing going.<br>
It wasn't just the software that made the company dear to me. It was <a href="">the human</a> <a href="">face they</a> <a href="">presented</a> <a href="">to the</a> <a href="">world</a>. They started their company shortly after the <a href="">company I work for</a> did. We were about the same size. I could relate. But they were in San Francisco, sure to go far, sure to join the ranks of the dot com millionaires. I was in backwards Athens, Georgia, creating software for rural electric utilities. They were riding high, we were struggling to keep the doors open. I could live, through their eyes, a life that a few small changes, a few different decisions, could have given me. I connected with them in a way I've never connected with another company before. I wasn't just a customer.<br>
But of course, the times have changed. The bubble they were in has burst. Here in Athens, we've turned around, too. Turning a profit, even, with a solid future in sight. I'm still living multiple lives, though. My own, of course, and the one they let me live with their words. Thanks, in large part to their efforts, I'm living many, many more lives through the words of <a href="favorites.html">thirty or so more people</a>, chosen from the hundreds of thousands of people now writing online journals and weblogs. It would have been much harder for me to find these people without the efforts of Pyra and the other people doing similar work.<br>
I don't need Blogger. I could do all of this on my own. But I <b>like</b> Blogger. I'm sad to see things end up this way. I wish them all the best of luck. And thank you for everything you've made possible.
<font size="1">
<b><a href="">12:23 PM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2218245)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2218245, "]")</SCRIPT> 162218245
<tr><th align=left>Thursday, February 01, 2001</th></tr>
<a name="2203236"></a>
My play has been <a href="">written up in the local mainstream paper</a>. Writer Mary Jessica Hammes does a good job, as usual.
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<b><a href="">10:15 AM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2203236)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2203236, "]")</SCRIPT> 172203236
<tr><th align=left>Wednesday, January 31, 2001</th></tr>
<a name="2195628"></a>
Work: mighty busy.<br>
Life: extremely mighty busy.<br>
Tonight is the last rehearsal without an audience. We get a preview crowd tomorrow, and then it's the opening night extravaganza on Friday. It's all coming together into a wonderful little show. Today, I had lunch with a class of university upperclasspeople (one upperclassman and a whole bunch of upperclasswomen) who had lots of questions for me about the show and directing and acting. It was like being on "Inside the Actor's Studio", but with food.
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<b><a href="">5:09 PM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2195628)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2195628, "]")</SCRIPT> 182195628
<a name="2190705"></a>
A correction: yesterday's vote wasn't strictly along party line, just mostly so. <a href="">Here's a breakdown of the voting</a>.
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<b><a href="">9:10 AM</b></a> <A HREF="javascript:BlogVoices(2190705)">Add</A> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">BlogVoicesCount("[", 2190705, "]")</SCRIPT> 192190705
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<th align=right><a href="">about this weblog</a><br><br></th>
<th align=right>greatest hits</th>
<th align=right><a href="">The yard flower's hard life</a></th>
<th align=right><a href="">Ants! Ants in my yard!</a></th>
<th align=right><a href="">I'm Louis, not Roger</a></th>
<th align=right><a href="">Nighttime storm</a></th>
<th align=right> </th>
<th align=right><a href="">i went to the gobbler</a></th>
<th align=right><a href="">i had a birthday</a></th>
<th align=right><a href="">a day in my life</a></th>
<th align=right><a href="">tour my house</a></th>
<th align=right><a href="">archives</a></th>
<th align=right><a href="">resume</a><br><br></th>
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<a href="">Intemperance</a><br>
<a href="">Vignettes</a><br>
<a href="">Panther's Diary</a><br>
<a href="">Mister Pants</a><br>
<a href="">Memepool</a><br>
<a href="">Brunching Shuttlecocks</a><br>
<b>a random weblog</b><br>
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<th align=right><br>links around athens</th>
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<a href="">Town and Gown Players</a><br>
<a href="">Barony of Bryn Madoc</a><br>
<a href="">The Flagpole</a><br>
<th align=right><br>in rehearsal</th>
<td align=right>
Christopher Durang's <i>Baby With the Bathwater</i>. I'm directing for the Town & Gown Players. The show runs Feb 2-4 & 8-11. Call 706-208-TOWN for reservations.<br>
<th align=right><br>my tummy</th>
<td align=right>
Today: 225<br>
For the month: -0<br>
Since the beginning (12/15/99): -45<br>
The goal: 200<br><br>
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<a class="posts-list-item-title" href="">'Tis the Season for Bloody Jesus</a>
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<p>Tonight was the annual Athens Christmas parade, also known as (by a friend of mine, anyway) “Athens Annual Let’s Do Weird Shit Day”. I’ve been regaled for years with tales of the strangeness at this parade, ranging from “Rotisserie Jesus” (a bloody live human Jesus on a spinning cross) to last year’s hippy who thought it would be a good idea to use a roadkill great horned owl as a hand puppet and thrust it in the faces of kids lined up along the route.</p>
<p>I’ve never been able to see it, myself. For the last twenty years I ran Athens Locally Grown, a weekly farmers Thursday farmers market that always conflicted. I closed it at the end of last year, though, so this year I was free to go. The theme was “An Out of this World Holiday” and the grand marshal was a local amateur astronomer known as “Mr. Science” for all the outreach educational events he’s done over the years. Already, it was the best Christmas parade I’ve ever been to.</p>
<p>At least a third of the floats were from churches with questionable relations to the theme. The best was the Unitarians with a pickup they converted to the USS Enterprise pulling a trailer proclaiming they were “embracing Star Trek values Logic Science Dignity Equality Equity” and a whole group of walkers wearing various eras of star fleet uniforms. The Catholics had a large tiki lounge as their float. <a href="">The local klezmer band</a> had both a giant dreidel and a Jewish space laser.</p>
<p>A <a href="">bra store</a> had a small float proclaiming “Every body is a celestial body” and a large bra on a pole covered with lights, ready to guide magi.</p>
<p>My favorite float (and winner of Best In Show) was from a local <a href="">Montessori-ish STEAM school</a>. They made a post-apocalyptic cabin populated with survivors and followed by a number of different creatures, including a dancing Chinese dragon only it was a “Santapede”.</p>
<p>And yeah, the controversial fundamentalist church had a <a href="">smiling bloody Jesus hanging from a cross under models of the planets</a>. Ho ho ho!</p>
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Dec 2, 2022
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2 min read
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<a class="posts-list-item-title" href="">Solving Puzzles with Code</a>
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<p>The <a href="">Advent of Code</a> is upon us once again. Every year Eric Wastl weaves together a daily series of clever challenges into a delightful story. They can be solved in any language and method you want, including brute force, and I look forward to it every December.</p>
<p>Which is an odd thing to say maybe considering I’ve never made it further than a dozen days in. It just seems like every year the work project I’m on catches fire and needs my full attention and my drive to work on coding challenges for fun just fizzles out.</p>
<p>I’m fully expecting it to be true this year, too. I just started a new project this week, and the whole reason I’m here is they are short-staffed and under the gun to deliver a fully functional robot in three months, if not sooner. I’ve already accepted the fact that it’s going to ratchet up the pressure over the next few weeks and not loosen up for the holidays. I’m ok with that.</p>
<p>Still, I’m ready. I’ve been wanting to loosen my reliance on GitHub (same as I’m loosening my reliance on Twitter, Instagram, etc.) so this was the perfect time to try out <a href="">Gitea</a>. Programming is surprisingly social (especially coding challenges like AoC) so I spun up <a href=""></a> and created a placeholder repo for <a href="">my 2022 solutions</a>. When the first puzzle lands at midnight, I’ll be ready to go.</p>
<p>And if I only make it three days, that’s ok.</p>
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