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As my online time got eaten up by other things, like farming and starting a family, my posts became shorter and less frequent and eventually just &hellip; stopped."/>
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<meta property="og:description" content="I used to be a prolific blogger, back in the very early days of the form. Had a few things &ldquo;go viral&rdquo; before that was a thing, meaning they were seen and talked about by dozens of people, but I was comfortably C-list in that small world.
As my online time got eaten up by other things, like farming and starting a family, my posts became shorter and less frequent and eventually just &hellip; stopped." />
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<h1 class ="post-title">Like the legend of the phoenix</h1>
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Nov 28, 2022
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2 min read
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<p>I used to be a prolific blogger, back in the very early days of the form. Had a few things &ldquo;go viral&rdquo; before that was a thing, meaning they were seen and talked about by dozens of people, but I was comfortably C-list in that small world.</p>
<p>As my online time got eaten up by other things, like farming and starting a family, my posts became shorter and less frequent and eventually just &hellip; stopped. Instead of using my own space to keep my words, I unconsciously switched over almost exclusively to a hot new microblogging platform started by some podcasting tooling developers called Twttr.</p>
<p>Twitter&rsquo;s very short character limit made it ideal for the short bits I was writing anyway, and it was easy to write them more often. This only increased the ephemeral quality of them and I didn&rsquo;t even notice really that I was just creating a gap in my once exhaustively documented life. I&rsquo;ve got all my tweets downloaded and stored away, but they&rsquo;re not something I can really go back and read. Those years are essentially lost to me.</p>
<p>But now an egomaniacal billionaire troll has taken over and is systematically destroying Twitter and that has shocked me awake. It&rsquo;s well past time to start owning my words again and, more importantly, treating them like they matter and kept and displayed and shared.</p>
<p>So, here&rsquo;s Kestrel&rsquo;s Nest back from the dead.</p>
<p>I&rsquo;m using <a href="https://gohugo.io">Hugo</a> to power it, displayed using the <a href="https://themes.gohugo.io/themes/hugo-theme-m10c/">m10c theme</a>. I might charge all that, and this is certainly a rough draft, but it&rsquo;s a good place to start.</p>
<p>For a laugh, I used a page from February 2001 from my old blog here as a placeholder. I thought about making this style match that exactly, but if I go that route I&rsquo;ll do it another day.
<a href="/ancientindex.html">It&rsquo;s here</a> if you want to have a laugh too.</p>
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