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Author SHA1 Message Date
Eric Wagoner 97ad6c3992 tweet archive 2022-12-29 10:16:02 -05:00
Eric Wagoner f4ea90bf15 past, present, future pages 2022-12-29 10:15:51 -05:00
Eric Wagoner 16e8d00ebe sidebar layout tweaks 2022-12-29 10:15:26 -05:00
7 changed files with 136 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -51,8 +51,23 @@ theme = "m10c"
name = "Tags"
url = "/tags/"
weight = 2
identifier = "then"
name = "Past"
url = "/then/"
weight = 1
identifier = "now"
name = "Now"
url = "/now/"
weight = 2
identifier = "upcoming"
name = "Future"
url = "/upcoming/"
weight = 3
identifier = "mytweets"
name = "Local Tweet Archive"
url = "/mytweets/"
weight = 3

View File

@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
## Welcome to the @ewagoner Twitter archive
title: Welcome to the @ewagoner Twitter archive
I was an early adopter of Twitter, going back to when its main interface was via SMS. Somehow it managed to completely replace all the writing I was doing on my blog, something I had been doing for nearly a decade.
The Musk takeover made me realize I needed to reclaim my words and my online presence. The way he turned it into a (not so) proverbial Nazi bar made me realize I couldn't be in both places.
But damned if he was going to have all my words, so I took them with me. Here, you can search my tweets, get a link to an archived version, and view all the content in a nice, threaded form where applicable. This does not include replies to other people, so this is just "standalone" tweets and threads.
{{< rawhtml >}}
<script src="/mytweets/searchDocuments.js"></script>
<p>This is a page where you can search many of my tweets, get a link to an archived version, and view all the content in nice, threaded form where applicable. This does not include replies to other people in this archive, so this is just "standalone" tweets and threads.</p>
<div class="tweet">
<p id="loading">Loading search...</p>
<div id="search" hidden>
<input id="search-input" type="search" />
Search: <input id="search-input" type="search" />
<div id="sorting">Sort by: <button class="sort-button" onclick="sortResults('most-relevant')">most relevant</button> | <button class="sort-button" onclick="sortResults('oldest-first')">oldest first</button> | <button class="sort-button" onclick="sortResults('newest-first')">newest first</button> | <button class="sort-button" onclick="sortResults('most-popular')">most popular</button></div>
<div id="output"></div>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: Eric in the Present
[Derek Sivers]:
@ -8,33 +10,36 @@
[taskmaster youtube]:
[outer worlds]:
This page is all about what I am doing *now*. It was last updated on November 28, 2022, and will be edited as things change.
This page is all about what I am doing *now*. It was last updated on December 21, 2022, and will be edited as things change.
## Where I am now
Living in Athens, GA in a home I had already been renting for five years before my partner and I bought it several months into the pandemic.
## Who I am around now
Our house has three people and three cats. The people include me, my partner, and my youngest daughter who spends every other week with us. My eldest child moved away to Georgia State University in the fall of 2022, something I'm still processing.
The cats like to keep me company while I'm working, so you'll find plenty of photos of them in [my gallery][pics].
## What I am doing now
I'm on the management team and am a senior developer at [Infinity Interactive][infinity]. In practice, that means I get loaned out to companies who need some help building great software. I just wrapped up a two-year-long stint helping a DNA foundry build the software that tracks everything in their lab. Now I'm helping a biotech robotics company get their new flagship robot out the door.
## What I am reading now
[The Aleph Extraction]( by [Dan Moren](
## What else?
- focusing my anger on the destruction of Twitter by [creating my own][blog] [federated][mastodon] [social][pics] outlets
- enjoying all the espisodes of [Taskmaster][taskmaster] [on YouTube][taskmaster youtube] (and some that fell off the back of a truck)
- wrapping up the last of the content for [The Outer Worlds][outer worlds] before moving on to a physical game
- thinking about costuming for a [space-themed steampunk event][steampunk] in February
- focusing my anger on the destruction of Twitter by [creating my own][blog] [federated][mastodon] [social][pics] outlets
- releasing episodes of my new super short [daily podcast][ericsayshi] and slowly reviving my old [Brothers Grimm podcast][grimmlunch]
- thinking about costuming for a [space-themed steampunk event][steampunk] in February
Checkout the [/now page movement][nowff] started by [Derek Sivers][]. You can get a
[profile][] if you set up a `/now` page.
[/now][] — so many people doing stuff in the now!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: My Tweets Have Come Home to Roost
description: ""
date: 2022-12-21T04:17:16.164Z
preview: ""
draft: false
- tooling
- colophon
categories: ""
lastmod: 2022-12-21T04:25:23.229Z
The [Twitter archiver]( that [@darius]( made is really neat.
It takes the zip file of your archive from that site and it spits out a fully searchable static website of all your public tweets (that aren't replies to someone else).
It was super easy to integrate right into this [Hugo]( website, [right here](
Most of my tweets are shite, going right back to 2007, but there's some gold in there and I'm glad to have them at my fingertips in a space I own.

content/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
title: Eric in the Past
This page is all about what I have done. As things roll off the [now page](/now), they'll show up here. It was last updated on December 21, 2022.
## What I finished reading
- The first four stories (two novels and two shorts) of [Dan Moren's]( [Galactic Cold War]( series. These are spy thrillers set across multiple star systems colonized by humans. Both aspects are very well done and each story has been better than the last.
- All of Martha Wells' [Murderbot Diaries]( These are all told in the first person by a sentient security robot who has hacked himself to be free of harsh programmed restrictions and has to live in human society. I can't stress enough how much I loved these, perhaps aided by how my own coming to terms with being an undiagnosed autistic adult makes me [relate to the main character](
## What I finished playing
- [The Outer Worlds][outer worlds] from Obsidian. Decididly anti-corporate darkly humorous science fiction from some of the same people who created the [Fallout games]( Short gameplay, but I loved every minute of it.
- [The Dragon Age series]( from BioWare. I played them all as they originally came out, but recently did a replay straight through. In terms of world building and story telling, this is my favorite game series (*perhaps* tied with the Elder Scroll and Fallout games)
- [Elder Scrolls Online]( New content comes out all the time so I'll be back, but for now I'm caught up. I did find a good guild to socialize with, but I've played everything I could by myself. Surprisingly, that was most of the content and 100% of the story.
## What I finished watching
- All the espisodes of [Taskmaster][taskmaster] [on YouTube][taskmaster youtube] (and some that fell off the back of a truck). Nothing I've watched recently has lifted my spirits and made me giggle like this show.
[taskmaster youtube]:
[outer worlds]:

content/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
title: Eric Yet To Come
This page is all about what I am planning on doing in the not too distant future. As I get to them, they'll leave here and appear on my [now page](/now). It was last updated on December 21, 2022.
## Where I will be
- Athens, early January 2023, for the B-52's final concert of their farewell tour
- Las Vegas, mid-January, for [my employer]('s annual all-hands gathering
- Atlanta, late January, for [Inuhele](, Atlanta's annual Tiki Weekend. I'm on the staff there and it's loads of fun
- Atlanta, early February, for the [Atlanta Steampunk Exposition]( I love this crowd. The theme this year is "steampunks in space" and I'm really looking forward to it.
## What I will be reading
- The rest of [Dan Moren's]( [Galactic Cold War]( series. After I finish my current book, I'll have one short story and one novel to go.
## What I will be watching
- [The Rings of Power]( As much of a Tolkien nerd as I am, it's shocking I didn't watch these as they came out, but my plate was full. This has risen near the top now.
## What I will be playing
- [Gloomhaven]( My copy arrived shortly after the pandemic started and it's just been sitting here. I really want to play it so I just need to decide if I'm going solo or if it's time to find a party to play with me.
- [Etherfields]( I kickstarted this game shortly before the pandemic and it only recently arrived. I have friends in mind I want to play it with.
- [Sleeping Gods]( Another pandemic arrival that I need to either just play solo or find a group to play with.

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
<header class="app-header">
<a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}"><img class="app-header-avatar" src="{{ .Site.Params.avatar | default "avatar.jpg" | relURL }}" alt="{{ | default "John Doe" }}" /></a>
<span class="app-header-title">{{ .Site.Title }}</span>
<p>{{ .Site.Params.description | default "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vehicula turpis sit amet elit pretium." }}</p>
<strong>Blog Navigation</strong>
{{- with .Site.Menus.main }}
<nav class="app-header-menu">
{{- range $key, $item := . }}
@ -33,7 +35,29 @@
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
<p>{{ .Site.Params.description | default "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vehicula turpis sit amet elit pretium." }}</p>
{{- with .Site.Menus.secondary }}
<br /><strong>What I am doing in the</strong>
<nav class="app-header-menu">
{{- range $key, $item := . }}
{{- if ne $key 0 }}
{{ $.Site.Params.menu_item_separator | default " - " | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
<a class="app-header-menu-item" href="{{ $item.URL }}">{{ $item.Name }}</a>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Site.Menus.tertiary }}
<br /><strong>Auxillary Pages</strong>
<nav class="app-header-menu">
{{- range $key, $item := . }}
{{- if ne $key 0 }}
{{ $.Site.Params.menu_item_separator | default " - " | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
<a class="app-header-menu-item" href="{{ $item.URL }}">{{ $item.Name }}</a>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
<br /><strong>Me Elsewhere on the Internet</strong>
{{- with }}
<div class="app-header-social">
{{ range . }}