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<meta name="twitter:description" content="Tonight was the annual Athens Christmas parade, also known as (by a friend of mine, anyway) &ldquo;Athens Annual Lets Do Weird Shit Day&rdquo;. I&rsquo;ve been regaled for years with tales of the strangeness at this parade, ranging from &ldquo;Rotisserie Jesus&rdquo; (a bloody live human Jesus on a spinning cross) to last year&rsquo;s hippy who thought it would be a good idea to use a roadkill great horned owl as a hand puppet and thrust it in the faces of kids lined up along the route."/>
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<meta property="og:description" content="Tonight was the annual Athens Christmas parade, also known as (by a friend of mine, anyway) &ldquo;Athens Annual Lets Do Weird Shit Day&rdquo;. I&rsquo;ve been regaled for years with tales of the strangeness at this parade, ranging from &ldquo;Rotisserie Jesus&rdquo; (a bloody live human Jesus on a spinning cross) to last year&rsquo;s hippy who thought it would be a good idea to use a roadkill great horned owl as a hand puppet and thrust it in the faces of kids lined up along the route." />
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<h1 class ="post-title">&#39;Tis the Season for Bloody Jesus</h1>
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<p>Tonight was the annual Athens Christmas parade, also known as (by a friend of mine, anyway) &ldquo;Athens Annual Lets Do Weird Shit Day&rdquo;. I&rsquo;ve been regaled for years with tales of the strangeness at this parade, ranging from &ldquo;Rotisserie Jesus&rdquo; (a bloody live human Jesus on a spinning cross) to last year&rsquo;s hippy who thought it would be a good idea to use a roadkill great horned owl as a hand puppet and thrust it in the faces of kids lined up along the route.</p>
<p>I&rsquo;ve never been able to see it, myself. For the last twenty years I ran Athens Locally Grown, a weekly farmers Thursday farmers market that always conflicted. I closed it at the end of last year, though, so this year I was free to go. The theme was &ldquo;An Out of this World Holiday&rdquo; and the grand marshal was a local amateur astronomer known as &ldquo;Mr. Science&rdquo; for all the outreach educational events he&rsquo;s done over the years. Already, it was the best Christmas parade I&rsquo;ve ever been to.</p>
<p>At least a third of the floats were from churches with questionable relations to the theme. The best was the Unitarians with a pickup they converted to the USS Enterprise pulling a trailer proclaiming they were &ldquo;embracing Star Trek values Logic Science Dignity Equality Equity&rdquo; and a whole group of walkers wearing various eras of star fleet uniforms. The Catholics had a large tiki lounge as their float. <a href="https://www.klezlocal42.com">The local klezmer band</a> had both a giant dreidel and a Jewish space laser.</p>
<p>A <a href="https://grailbras.com">bra store</a> had a small float proclaiming &ldquo;Every body is a celestial body&rdquo; and a large bra on a pole covered with lights, ready to guide magi.</p>
<p>My favorite float (and winner of Best In Show) was from a local <a href="https://www.doublehelixschool.com">Montessori-ish STEAM school</a>. They made a post-apocalyptic cabin populated with survivors and followed by a number of different creatures, including a dancing Chinese dragon only it was a &ldquo;Santapede&rdquo;.</p>
<p>And yeah, the controversial fundamentalist church had a <a href="https://pix.kestrelsnest.social/i/web/post/504147835911897231">smiling bloody Jesus hanging from a cross under models of the planets</a>. Ho ho ho!</p>
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