--- title: Day full of good things description: "" date: 2022-11-30T03:15:51.962Z preview: "" draft: false tags: - diary - jobbyjob categories: "" lastmod: 2022-12-01T03:38:04.983Z --- It was a day full of good things. Here they are, in chronological order: - read two chapters of Dan Moren's book "[The Bayern Agenda](https://dmoren.com/the-bayern-agenda/)" while drinking coffee in the hot tub before work - the things that didn't work in my new project yesterday started working - attended my first standup with my new teammates - ate a delicious chicken pot pie for lunch - returned a library book that was six years overdue and wasn't charged a fine - voted in the [senate runoff election](https://warnockforgeorgia.com) - got a delicious dirty spiced chai - installed gitea at [git.kestrelsnest.social](https://git.kestrelsnest.social) and initialized a repo for [Advent of Code](https://adventofcode.com/2022) - made buffalo chicken legs for dinner - took my youngest to their first rehearsal of a [neighborhood brass band](https://pix.kestrelsnest.social/i/web/post/503348491074470007) based on a poster I saw stapled to a telephone pole - ate leftover pecan pumpkin pie - watched several episodes of [Taskmaster](https://taskmaster.fandom.com/wiki/Taskmaster_Wiki) and had quite a few good laughs A good day indeed. Postscript: It occurred to me right after posting that this could have been titled "Is the ketamine working? Signs point to yes." More on that later, no doubt.