<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta property="og:url" content="https://blog.kestrelsnest.social/mytweets/ewagoner/status/1595165374009708544" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Eric Wagoner on Twitter (archived)" /> <meta property="og:description" content="I went from relying on crowded overtaxed instances to having my own, all while still coming off a ketamine high. The server costs $20ish/mo, and just having it will prod me to do a bunch of other stuff that's been kicking around in my head. Suddenly it's 2000 again, only easier." /> <title>I went from relying on crowded overtaxed instances to having my own, all while still coming off a ketamine high. The server costs $20ish/mo, and just having it will prod me to do a bunch of other stuff that's been kicking around in my head. Suddenly it's 2000 again, only easier.</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../styles.css"> </head> <body> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="flex-wrap"> <a href="../../../"> <p>← @ewagoner Twitter archive</p> </a> <article class="tweet parent " > <p class="display_name"> Eric Wagoner </p> <p class="user_name"> @ewagoner </p> <p class="full_text"> Finding <a href="http://yunohost.org">http://yunohost.org</a> made it super easy to set up my own federated sites and fully commit to Not Here. <br><br>In less than an hour, I bought a domain name, bought a virtual machine from DigitalOcean, and set up Mastodon, PixelFed, Gitea, and some other toys to play with. </p> <p class="created_at"> 11/22/2022, 4:17:56 PM </p> <p class="favorite_count">Favs: 2</p> <p class="retweet_count">Retweets: 0</p> <a class="permalink" href="../1595164700991721472">link</a> </article> <article class="tweet " id="main"> <p class="display_name"> Eric Wagoner </p> <p class="user_name"> @ewagoner </p> <p class="full_text"> I went from relying on crowded overtaxed instances to having my own, all while still coming off a ketamine high.<br><br>The server costs $20ish/mo, and just having it will prod me to do a bunch of other stuff that's been kicking around in my head. Suddenly it's 2000 again, only easier. </p> <p class="created_at"> 11/22/2022, 4:20:36 PM </p> <p class="favorite_count">Favs: 8</p> <p class="retweet_count">Retweets: 0</p> <a class="permalink" href="../1595165374009708544">link</a> </article> </div> </div> </body> <script> document.getElementById('main').scrollIntoView(); </script> </html>