const sampleMonkeys = [ [ [79, 98], ['*', 19], [23, 2, 3], 0 ], [ [54, 65, 75, 74], ['+', 6], [19, 2, 0], 0 ], [ [79, 60, 97], ['*', 'self'], [13, 1, 3], 0 ], [ [74], ['+', 3], [17, 0, 1], 0 ], ] const inputMonkeys = [ [ [91, 58, 52, 69, 95, 54], ['*', 13], [7, 1, 5], 0 ], [ [80, 80, 97, 84], ['*', 'self'], [3, 3, 5], 0 ], [ [86, 92, 71], ['+', 7], [2, 0, 4], 0 ], [ [96, 90, 99, 76, 79, 85, 98, 61], ['+', 4], [11, 7, 6], 0 ], [ [60, 83, 68, 64, 73], ['*', 19], [17, 1, 0], 0 ], [ [96, 52, 52, 94, 76, 51, 57], ['+', 3], [5, 7, 3], 0 ], [ [75], ['+', 5], [13, 4, 2], 0 ], [ [83, 75], ['+', 1], [19, 2, 6], 0 ] ] // Part One //let monkeys = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sampleMonkeys)); let monkeys = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(inputMonkeys)); for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { for (const m in monkeys) { const items = monkeys[m][0]; const op = monkeys[m][1]; const test = monkeys[m][2]; for (const item of items) { monkeys[m][3]++; let newLevel; if (op[0] === '*') { if (op[1] === 'self') { newLevel = item * item; } else { newLevel = item * op[1]; } } else { newLevel = item + op[1]; } newLevel = Math.floor(newLevel / 3); if (newLevel % test[0] === 0) { monkeys[test[1]][0].push(newLevel); } else { monkeys[test[2]][0].push(newLevel); } } monkeys[m][0] = []; } } let counts = => m[3]); counts.sort(function(a, b) { return b - a; }); console.log(counts[0] * counts[1]); // Part Two //monkeys = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sampleMonkeys)); monkeys = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(inputMonkeys)); // Common denominator trick to keep numbers small outright stolen from // let COMMON = 1; for (const monkey of monkeys) { COMMON *= monkey[2][0]; } for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { for (const m in monkeys) { const items = monkeys[m][0]; const op = monkeys[m][1]; const test = monkeys[m][2]; for (const n in items) { monkeys[m][3] = monkeys[m][3] + 1; let newLevel; if (op[0] === '*') { if (op[1] === 'self') { newLevel = monkeys[m][0][n] ** 2; } else { newLevel = monkeys[m][0][n] * op[1]; } } else { newLevel = monkeys[m][0][n] + op[1]; } newLevel = newLevel % COMMON const pass = newLevel % (test[0]) == 0 ? true : false; monkeys[pass ? test[1] : test[2]][0].push(newLevel); } monkeys[m][0] = []; } } counts = => m[3]); counts.sort(function(a, b) { return b - a; }); console.log(counts[0] * counts[1]); // functions